Wednesday, October 30, 2019

POLICY BRIEFS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

POLICY BRIEFS - Essay Example Tianyi Luo, Andrew Maddocks, and Betsy Otto reported that last July 2012, China’s government sought to establish 363 coal-fired power plants for construction all over China, with planned capacity of more than 557 gigawatts, a momentous 75% increase on generating capacity that can fit its rabid energy demand. The rest of the world fears that China is over-exerting itself on the global atmosphere. China asks: Why should it curb its own economic growth when first world countries before had no check and balance system on its energy use? The answer is because without global actions in reducing emission, the world is running faster toward a state of alarming global warming. Global warming is important to all of us because we all share the same atmosphere. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, an American economist and a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the John Bates Clark Medal, asserts: â€Å"No issue is more global than global warming: everyone shares the same at mosphere† (7). Aside from a Nobel Prize economist who is certain that global warming is our issue, several scientists are also concerned of global warming- principally, its causes and effects on people. Those who say that global warming is not human-made and not based on carbon-dioxide emissions are facing increasing evidence that prove them otherwise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body that is composed of hundred scientists that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, stated that though the rise of global temperature can be as low as 2.7 degrees, if carbon dioxide emissions double for the next few years, the rise will be higher. Justin Gillis of The New York Times reported the potential effects of higher global temperatures all over the world, based on the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Warming the entire planet by 5 degrees Fahrenheit would add a stupendous amount of energy to the climate system. Scientists say the increase would be greater over land and might exceed 10 degrees at the poles. They add that such an increase would lead to widespread melting of land ice, extreme heat waves, difficulty growing food and massive changes in plant and animal life, probably including a wave of extinctions. In other words, global warming is a global issue because it will not only affect plant and animal life, it will affect human life as well. President Jim Yong Kim, you are in a unique position to help stop global warming because you hold a powerful position in one of the most dominant global institutions in the world. The World Bank has the primary functions of promoting world development, boosting productivity standards and standards of living in less developed countries, and assisting in-need countries’ reconstruction plans. You can support our proposal for financing changes that can curb global emissions. Furthermore, in your speech, â€Å"Within Our Grasp: A World Free of Poverty† delivered at Georgeto wn University last April 2, 2013, you showed awareness for the impact of global warming on poverty. You said: â€Å"The World Bank Group is now working on a revamped strategy to significantly strengthen our climate change interventions and help catalyze urgent action among global partners on the scale required.† Indeed, I agree that with the World Bank’s financial resources and global political and social power, it can do more to help address global warming. DISCUSSION OF GLOBAL WARMING AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS: Global warming is real. Richard A. Muller, a professor of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Art Experiences Essay Example for Free

Art Experiences Essay I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. From the time I was in Kindergarden to my senior year in high school Ive been doing arts and crafts. Ive had art teachers, vacation bible school leaders, and my parents teaching me how to create things my whole life. I usually only recieve art instruction when I sign up for art courses. Ive completed all sorts of art projects including paintings, clay, abstract, landscapes and all other types of activities. I had two very good art instructors in high school and they were very critical and rewarding and that probably is why I enjoy art as much as I do. Ive had a very broad range of activities from drawing with charcoal and pencils to painting and sculptings. For the most part most of my art activities werent holiday centered they were more of your own imagination and ideas. All of my art projects were graded on pretty specific grading rubrics. It measured how much you worked on it and made sure that you followed all of the necessary guidelines. I have had a great experience with art in my past and Im excited to learn more about it. My strengths in art I would say would be that I really enjoy drawing and shading pictures of things and my weakness is that I dont really know that much about the history of art and where it all came from. Art relates to society very much so. Advertising is used everywhere you go and you wouldnt have that without art skills. I am very excited to learn more about the history of art and sharpen up my old art skills.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Food Consumption in America :: Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Essays

Food Consumption    Not all people eat the same food, but there are some connections between who people eat with and what types of food they eat. Throughout life, people live with different people or alone and they eat different food. Most people live with their family when they are young, then move out and live on their own, then sometimes get married and have their own family, and then live once again on their own or with their spouse.    While living at home, parents usually make food for their children. They make dinner for the family, and it is usually healthy. The children eat fairly healthy because even when they make food for themselves, the food in the house is probably fairly healthy. Not only do the children eat pretty healthy, the parent or parents do too. They make meals for the family and they mostly have all food groups included. They can prepare a lot of food and most of it will get eaten. For example, a parent can make a bag of frozen vegetables, and most of it will get eaten by the family. If a person living on their own wanted vegetables, the bag would have more servings than needed. When someoneà ­s food is prepared for them, they will be very willing to eat it and they will not need to do any work themselves.    When children move away from home and go to school, the school cafeteria makes food for them. This food is made for many people and there is a large variety. Overall it is healthy and people eat it because it is good, but mostly because it is prepared for them.    When children move away from home and do not go to school but live on their own, they do not always eat very healthy. No one makes food for them, and they do not want to take a lot of time to prepare food for just themselves. Also, they do not want to make a large amount of food for just one person and have too much food left over. This is true for anyone who lives on their own. People who live alone only need to make enough for one person, and they always need to make it themselves unless they go out to eat.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ecological Theory and Beautification Essay

The ecological theory in criminology maintains that the physical environment where people are situated influences certain human behaviors. The theory has its scientific advantages and disadvantages when compared to the process of â€Å"beautification,† which is the process of visually improving a city or town specifically one that is situated in an urban area. For the most part, the assertions of the ecological theory are not significantly dependent on the dominant ethnic group living in a particular area, thereby suggesting that the findings of the theory do not depend on subjective human relations but rather on the physical environment where they are located. It has a scientific advantage in the sense that it avoids the problems brought about by the relative circumstances of exactly who are living within the area. On the other hand, its disadvantage is that its findings—high crime rates with respect to social disorganization—can fluctuate between being a cause or an effect. In a sense, high crime rates can result to social disorganization and, similarly, social disorganization can lead to high crime rates. Relying on the physical environment in interpreting human behaviors is also problematic because doing so does not explain why some people in such areas commit certain crimes while others in the same areas do not. Beautification, however, is a relatively more stable theory than the ecological theory because, for example, urban beautification schemes through evictions are meant to address high crime rates and not the other way around. The ecological theory puts great emphasis on the fact of living within certain zones in an area as a primary reason for certain rates of crime. An earlier study conducted by Shaw and McKay (2006) in 1942 suggests that the Zone 2 of an area contain more crime rates than any of the other zones primarily because this zone does not have a settled community to begin with which, in effect, prevents the institutionalization of clear moral guidelines. In effect, the study in particular and the theory in general indicate that, regardless of those who settled in any of these zones, the behavior of the settlers as well as the rate of crime will have to depend on the corresponding zones. This argument is particularly interesting because it leaves the interpretation of human behavior on the physical environment instead on the people under study. According to Lowman (1986), there is the tendency to make unjust selections in using â€Å"criminological theory in developing geographic perspectives on crime† (p. 81). If that is the case, ecological theory as applied to criminology faces the greatest disadvantage—the disadvantage of arriving at biased results. Worse, the distinction between the causes and the effects of criminal activities may become blurred due to the tendency to not become objective. High crime rate can become a flexible factor, becoming a cause on one hand with social disorganization as its effect and becoming an effect on one hand with social disorganization as its cause on another. In fact, a separate study finds that there is no necessary connection between social class and crime and that more is yet to be understood in these two distinct concepts (Tittle, 1983). From the perspective of ecological theory, areas are divided into zones and these zones are occupied by more or less the same people in terms of social class, hence social stratification in the physical environment. If there is no apparent connection between social class and the types of crimes committed by people in any of the prevailing social classes, there remains the difficulty of further asserting that there is an apparent link between the physical environment and the rate of crimes in the different zones. Thus, the main disadvantage of using ecological theory in interpreting human behavior within the confines of certain zones is that it uses a shaky foundation. More specifically, the theory does not address the inconsistencies between those who commit certain crimes within a specific zone from those who do not commit any crime at all. The main question is: why do some people in Zone 2 commit theft, for instance, while some others do not? It appears that the physical environment does not hold a firm solution to the task of explaining human behavior. Nevertheless, another study reaffirms the assertion of the ecological theory. In a study conducted by Tita, Cohen and Engberg (2005), it was found out that small gangs operate within select areas especially in urban slum locations, suggesting that in some cases the ecological theory may hold true. In order to address the problem, it may be argued that urban beautification be taken into consideration such as demolishing structures in slum areas and replacing them with visually pleasing structures. The advantage of adopting this measure is that it can literally remove the physical environment where these small gangs thrive. As a result, a portion of the area is altered and cleansed, in a manner of speaking, which is a faster solution than the possible solutions that can be taken from the ecological theory. A disadvantage of applying the ecological theory in providing a solution to the problem of small gangs is that it requires sufficient time and firm policies. For instance, the ecological theory may suggest that the income in these slum areas should be raised through specialized government programs and the law enforcement be made more stringent. While the solutions taken from the ecological theory are certainly needed, they call for serious implementation and consistent follow-up on their development. On the other hand, the disadvantage of adopting the beautification solution through eviction is that it raises ethical concerns. It is a quick fix that carries several moral consequences, chief of them humanitarian reasons. Both the ecological theory and the process of beautification have their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. The challenge is not to find which one is generally better than the other but to determine which one applies best to a particular instance. Certain objections may be raised against either approaches, but they nevertheless remain significant methods in understanding certain types of human behavior such as criminal activities. References Lowman, J. (1986). Conceptual Issues in the Geography of Crime: Toward a Geography of Social Control. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 76(1), 81-94. Shaw, C. R. , & McKay, H. D. (2006). Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas: A Study of Rates of Delinquents in Relation to Differential Characteristics of Local Communities in American Cities. Oxfordshire: Taylor & Francis. Tita, G. E. , Cohen, J. , & Engberg, J. (2005). An Ecological Study of the Location of Gang â€Å"Set Space†. Social Problems, 52(2), 272-299. Tittle, C. R. (1983). Social Class and Criminal Behavior: A Critique of the Theoretical Foundation. Social Forces, 62(2), 334-358.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

John Stuart Mill Essay

British philosopher, John Stuart Mill, served many years as a member of parliament and worked diligently to bring forth liberal ideas. Amongst these ideas was the distinction of utilitarianism, or the act of doing what is right for the greatest number of people. Yet, just discussing the idea of right versus wrong for the masses was not enough, Mill’s determined there were two forms of utilitarianism; act, the direct form, or sanction, the indirect form. Much like formal logic with deductive and inductive reasoning, act and sanction utilitarianism strive for the same goal but have different ways of reaching it. Both forms of utilitarianism are seeking to find the best possible outcome for the largest number of people and using that as a measure of right versus wrong, yet by examining the differences of act utilitarianism and sanction utilitarianism, it will become clear that sanction utilitarianism is superior and more easily attainable. Focusing on act utilitarianism, this direct form works in maxims, expanding the contrast between right and wrong. â€Å"An act is right and just in its consequences for human happiness are at least good as any alternative available to the agent† (9). Thus, it is your duty to do the optimal act in a situation because anything other than the best act is a wrong act. Furthermore, Mills also comments that it is considered a â€Å"righteous† act if the consequences are just as good or better than any other action. Staying within the ideas of right or wrong, or when decisions seem to commonly be referred to as â€Å"black or white,† there is also an ideal of proportions to consider. Remember that the act is right is if brings happiness to the most people, but one is incapable of pleasing every person in every situation. Thus, Mills refers to the â€Å"Proportionality Doctrine† to tell what makes an act right or wrong. The Proportionality Doctrine states that acts are right if they promote happiness, or acts are wrong if they promote sadness. In act utilitarianism, each person is held to a duty to always make the best choices and perform the best actions. What that does though is â€Å"imply that I do wrong every time I fail to do the very best action, even when the suboptimal act that I perform is a very good deed. That may seem harsh and overly demanding† (11). Act utilitarianism is very demanding, having to always do the best thing all the time. What direct, or act utilitarianism implies is that if you fail to do the most optimal act then what you did was wrong, which is not always the case. In contrast to act utilitarianism, sanction utilitarianism allows gray space in between the black and white ultimatums. Mill’s writes: â€Å"because it makes the rightness and wrongness of conduct depend upon the utility of sanctioning that conduct in some way, we might call it sanction utilitarianism† (11). Here, Mill’s almost accepts that there are situations that will never be distinguished as exactly right and exactly wrong. Yet, Mill’s also struggles to let got of act utilitarianism since there usually are only two options. Thus, indirectly, an act is right if and only if its optimal to apply sanctions to its omission, whereas applying sanctions is right if and only if it is optimal is a direct action. â€Å"The only difference is that whereas sanction utilitarianism ties rightness and wrongness to praise and blame, act utilitarianism does not† (12). There are four kind acts that fall under sanction utilitarianism: 1. Wrong of forbidden acts are those whose performance it is optimal to blame 2. Permissible acts are those whose performance it is not optimal to blame 3. Obligatory acts are those whose omission it is optimal to blame 4. Supererogatory acts are permissible acts that are especially expedient (11) Here, these four actions seem to take on new meanings: while of course forbidden acts are optimal to blame negative reactions on (they are forbidden for a reason), it is now possible to see that the blame has a purpose behind it since the act caused proportionally the most damage. Unlike act utilitarianism, sanction utilitarianism is clear about which acts are sanctioned and which ones are not. In comparison, both forms of utilitarianism tend to seek the best possible outcome for he highest number of people, yet they have varying degrees of severity. People feel that when it comes to act utilitarianism, if you are not doing the best action each end every second, then whatever else you do is considered wrong. Living with the constant fear that your every action is scrutinized leaves those who practice act utilitarianism demoralized and deflated. It is also exhausting to have to be doing the best thing all the time and society does not naturally possess the ability to be a â€Å"hero† every waking moment. It would seem that sanction utilitarianism is more probable because it promotes a more feel good way of life. Your actions are all driven by a desire to do the right thing, but if you fail from time to time, as long as the intention was there, you are doing all right. â€Å"In arguing sanction utilitarianism, Mill’s claims that it allows him to distinguish duty and expediency and claim that not all inexpedient acts are wrong; inexpedient acts are only wrong when it is good or optimal to sanction them† (11). This means that sanction utilitarianism is more preferable and attainable than act utilitarianism when it comes to acts of duty. Therefore, a person would see this flexibility in sanction utilitarianism as a way to be seeking the righteous actions while being less demanding than act utilitarianism. Sanction utilitarianism is a superior alternative to act utilitarianism because it is flexible, forgiving and attainable. Humans are one of the most imperfect species on the planet and with highly evolved social politics; it is completely impossible to please everyone at the same time. Take into consideration the very foundation of democracy, selecting the best candidate for the job based on a populous vote. If everyone were voting under the basis of selecting the best person for the most number of people, then they would all vote for the same person. There has never been an election where a single candidate won every vote, and thus it proves that humans are incapable of behaving under complete act utilitarianism. On the other hand, it is good to hold yourself to the highest standards and expect the most out of yourself and think that you should always be doing the best thing. The flexibility of sanction utilitarianism is that individual morals and ethics come into play for each person, allowing them to wander between right and wrong finding the best outcome that may be a blend of the two. Take for instance the selection of which college to go to: your personality, likes, dislikes and more come into consideration and while the student wants to find a reputable school, they also have to find a place to call home for four years. If the student chooses the wrong location, it makes their lives miserable, their roommate’s life unbearable, and the family’s life saddened. Thus, the student had to balance every option and maybe give in on reputation for the best social fit, whereas under act utilitarianism, they would have picked a school solely on reputation alone since theoretically, that would lead them to the best possible outcome. Also, under sanction utilitarianism, if a choice is made and it turns out to be wrong, a new choice can be made to counteract the first giving sanction utilitarianism a sense of forgiveness. Combining these two ideals, flexibility and forgiveness, sanction utilitarianism reins superior over act utilitarianism because it is attainable. While both forms of utilitarianism are seeking to find the best possible outcome for the largest number of people, through examining the differences of act utilitarianism and sanction utilitarianism, it became clear that sanction utilitarianism is superior through its attainable qualities. In act utilitarianism the path for right over wrong is very demanding, requiring someone to always do the best thing all of the time. Ultimately, what direct utilitarianism implies is that you fail when what you did was wrong, which may not always be the case. Unlike act utilitarianism, sanction utilitarianism is clear about which acts are sanctioned and which ones are not, which allows someone to strive for their best but not harm them if they fail. Sanction utilitarianism is more preferable and attainable than act utilitarianism when it comes to acts of duty because a person would see the flexibility in sanction utilitarianism as a way to be seeking the righteous actions while being less demanding than act utilitarianism. While humanity is incapable of following act utilitarianism, the forgiveness built into sanction utilitarianism is preferred, since if the choice made turns out to be wrong, a new choice can be made to counteract the first. Combining these two ideals, flexibility and forgiveness, sanction utilitarianism becomes attainable for humanity and it rises in superiority over act utilitarianism.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jacksonian Democrat DBQ essays

Jacksonian Democrat DBQ essays During the early period of independent America, many of the founding fathers and early leaders tended to be elite, aristocratic and well educated, a curse that the common man had fought hard to get away from in their revolution from Great Britain. The common man wanted to have a voice and be heard. The presidential election of 1824 had angered the people of America as the general consensus was ignored and the aristocratic House of Representatives decided the election. The peoples nominee, Andrew Jackson, had been a great general in the War of 1812; he was intelligent even without a college degree and was born in the heart of America off of the eastern seaboard. Andrew Jackson was the image of the common man. Jackson and his followers, the Jacksonian-Democrats, looked on themselves as the protectors of the constitution and strived to protect the nation as a whole. Jacksonian-Democrats defended political democracy, which brought forth individual freedoms and assisted economic opportuni ty, but their claims as the guardians of the constitution were false, as they were rather protectors of the common man. Jacksonian-Democrats didnt let the constitution get in the way of their goals, especially pertaining to economic equality. When President Jackson vetoed the Bank of the United States recharter, many spoke out against his decision, including political opponent Daniel Webster (Document C). [This message] extends the grasp of executive Heringer 2 pretension over every power of the government.... Webster believed that Jacksons veto over stepped the boundaries of the executive office, abused the constitution, and it was a scam, inflame the poor against the rich.... Webster was partially right. The Bank of the United States was a safe place for the government to store mon ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Louis XIV And His Foreign Policy essays

Louis XIV And His Foreign Policy essays Louis XIV (1638-1715), was known as the 'Sun King'. By the time Louis took up the reign of the government in 1660, France had turned into the most powerful nation of Europe. At this time many of France's neighboring countries had been weakened both by revolts within their own countries and expensive wars with other lands. In Louis's mind, the natural boundaries of France were the Alps, the Pyrenees, and the river Rhine. His intentions were to push the frontiers of France out to these limits as well as win glory for himself. As a result Louis plunged France into 30 years of foreign wars trying to achieve his ambition. This paper discusses Louis' XIV's foreign policy and analyzes whether his foreign policy was successful or not. Louis XIV's notorious dictum was "I am the State". Even the late Charles De Gaulle often echoed this. Louis XIV (1638-1715) - king of France (1643-1715) - was known as the 'Sun King'. Louis, the third monarch of the Bourbon family, ruled for 72 years, the longest reign in European history. His rule typified the period of absolute monarchy in the second half of the 17th century, during which time kings ruled without the restraint of representative institutions. This epoch is widely known as the age of Louis XIV because other European monarchs imitated and competed with developments Coming to power at a young age, Louis did not have the conventional humanist education of most princes, who learned Latin, ancient history, rhetoric, and the arts. Instead his instruction focused on the practical necessities of kingship, such as the history of France and its monarchy and After Louis XIV came to the throne just before his fifth birthday, the Italian-born first minister Cardinal Mazarin guided the policies and effectively instructed Louis in affairs of state both internal as well as foreign affairs.. When Mazarin died in 1661, Louis proclaimed that he would ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Meaning and Use of the Italian Word Salute

The Meaning and Use of the Italian Word Salute When was the last time you heard the word â€Å"salute† in Italian? Did you sneeze in public? Were you talking  about being sick? Or were you raising glasses of wine with friends while out at dinner? As you can see, the word â€Å"salute† has a variety of meanings in Italian and isn’t just limited to talking about your health, although thats an important use of it. Here are the ways that you can translate it into English: HealthWell-beingBless you!Cheers! 1: Health/Well Being The word salute is most commonly used to talk about health in terms of things that are good or bad for it, like in the examples below with smoking and vegetables.   Italian: Il fumo fa male alla salute.English translation: Smoking is bad for your health.Italian: Sono di/in buona salute.English translation: I’m in good health. TIP: Notice how you can use the preposition di or in in the example above. Prepositions are diverse, so you can often use two to mean the same thing. Read more about how to use di and read more about how to use in.   Italian: Mangiare le verdure fa bene alla salute.English translation: Eating vegetables is good for your health. Popular Proverbs There are many popular proverbs that use the word salute. Use  these in everyday conversation, and youll most certainly impress an Italian. Buona salute à ¨ la vera ricchezza. - Good health is true wealth.Chi à ¨ in buona salute à ¨ ricco senza saperlo. -  Those in good health are rich without knowing it.  Chi à ¨ sano à ¨ pià ¹ di un sultano - Who is healthy is more than a sultan.Salute e vecchiezza creano bellezza. - Health and age create beauty.Chi vuole conservare la salute per la vecchiaia, non la sciupi in gioventà ¹. - Those who want to save health for their old age don’t waste it in youth. Be careful not to get the word salute confused with the verb salutare, which means to greet or to say hello to. You can learn how to conjugate that verb here. Meaning 2: Bless You! Person 1: Ahhhh-choo! Person 2: Salute! - Bless you!Person 1: Grazie! - Thanks! Meaning 3: Cheers! Person 1: Facciamo un brindisi! - Let’s do a toast!Person 2: Alla nostra salute e alla nostra amicizia! - To our health and to our friendship!Everyone: Salute! - Cheers! Fun Fact: The word â€Å"salute â€Å" is used for cheers and comes from the ancient Latin language. In fact, the original word used was â€Å"prosit†, which means â€Å"sia utile†, â€Å"sia a favore†, or â€Å"faccia bene† meaning, may it be useful, in favor of†¦, be good for, respectively. Over time the latin â€Å"sia utile† slowly became...â€Å"salute†!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Operations Management Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operations Management Case - Essay Example Aggregate planning, a medium-range capacity planning system that typically covers a time horizon of anywhere from 3 to 18 months, has as its goal that of achieving a production plan that effectively utilizes the firm’s resources to satisfy expected demand. Decisions have to be made on output rates, employment and inventory levels and changes, back orders, and subcontracting, in effect determining not only the output levels planned but also the appropriate resource input mix to be used. Before we tackle the solution, we summarize the basic assumptions for our calculations. Basic Assumptions Table 1 contains the 12-month demand forecast and our assumptions. Aside from the total output, number of workers, cost assumptions, and labor force parameters given in the problem, we would like to highlight some key assumptions not indicated in the statement of the problem but which have an effect on the solution. The first is the capacity cushion, which determines how much excess inventory we would like to have at the end of the month to act as a buffer for potential variations in demand. A high cushion level would entail inventory costs, while a low level would entail stock-out costs that were neither given. The given initial inventory level of 200 units is equivalent to 22 percent of maximum demand (900 units in October) and 29 percent of year-end demand (600 units). Working on the principles of zero stock-outs and the maximization of resources, we calculated the standard deviation in monthly demand as plus or minus 20 percent and made the convenient assumption to keep the capacity cushion at this level of production capacity or roughly 100 units per month.

Friday, October 18, 2019

History of Art and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Art and Design - Essay Example This write up gives an account of the plan of the house and activities that were carried out there. The Romans valued space in relation to setting up buildings that they would use for various purposes such as rituals. This would be compared to the design of the temple together with the forum within the Roman Empire. The Romans participated in various rituals that required people to come together in spacious structures. This meant that every structure considered space aspects when being constructed because ritual activities were to be performed in such a setting (Clarke, 1991, 65). The houses were built based on a public perspective. This meant that enough space was provided within the house for visitors and even those uninvited. These houses formed the focal point of activities that would be political, social and even business related. The houses were also decorated, and this revealed the minds and perceptions of the ancient Romans. This is the place that served as the meeting point for people in which they would discuss different issues that would be political, economic or even social. In the context of the roman houses, the domus is valued because of its importance in the ancient period. Those who made plans for its construction were required to ensure that its spaces had proper proportions. The domus had party walls on its flanks and was structured in a way that ensured that a back area was enclosed in it (Tang, 2005, 20). In addition to this, its main opening to the outside was located on the street front and formed an entryway. The houses above also had fauces that marked the axis from the point of entry which was long and narrow. The central part of the roof was also designed to allow rainwater to flow from the top to the basin below the impluvium. The compluvium was within the central space and served as a source of light to the atrium and those that would be found within it. The domus being the most common structures within this setting served to hold s alutationes activities. The domus held that paterfamilias, patrons of paterfamilias and the extended family. This was in regard to social and economic reasons that were far beyond the immediate family. This formed the clientela which was composed of relatives who did not have paterfamilias status and included slaves, freemen and other people who made daily salutationes guarantee their economic and political safety. Part two Byzantine churches Byzantine architects based their drawing on Roman temple features that were widely known within Italy. For instance, they combined ideas that were used to construct the basilica and other central-plan religious structures. This resulted on a structure with a square, central mass that had four arms of equal size. The most striking feature in these structures was the domed roof above the square area. The dome shape was suspended above the square by arches on each of the corners of the square, and this resulted into an octagon shape which would be referred to as a pendentive. These structures were characterized by towering spaces and luxurious decorations. In addition, this, marble columns, mosaic, inlay and inlaid stone pavements were also incorporated within this setting. These structures are believed to have extended in Christian East and other places such as Russia (Gagarin & Elaine, 2010, 443). The interior of the structures incorporated mosaic aspects, paintings and other arts. For instance, the painting was based on devotional panels. This was because the cult of icons was

People of Jewish Heritage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

People of Jewish Heritage - Essay Example In addition to this, they Jews have freewill to do what they wish. However, everyone is responsible for the choices he makes. They also believe they are connected to each other regardless of where they live. They form one global Jewish community. They also respect the Torah because it contains all the commandments given by God (Purnell, 2013). Jews believe in life after death. They believe that their souls continue to flourish even in death. They also argue that nothing should be used on a patient to prevent them from dying a natural death or extending their dying process. Therefore, drugs may be viewed as substance which prevents death. It would be in appropriate for a heath practitioner to treat a patient using drugs and yet the chances of the patient to survive are very minimal. However, regardless of the patient health condition, pain among the patients must be relieved at all cost. The Jews do not carry out autopsy on the dead because they believe that a person’s body should not be interfered with so that they can use it in the afterlife (Purnell, 2013). The nurse words of comfort were inappropriate because it is only God who can decide when to give or take a life. Jews do not require another party to confess their sins. Instead, they pray individually and ask God for forgiveness. Nonetheless, the Jews have a personal confession prayer that they carry out when they are sure of death. The confession is called viddui and it might be said by the patient or someone on his behalf in case he is too sick to say. The Jews also believe God is the giver of life and can also take it. In addition to this, the Jews also view sickness as part of life that God has set in motion. They regularly recite a prayer for healing. The prayers can be said anywhere including hospitals. The Jews also have a tradition of visiting one another in hospital to give support and comfort (Purnell, 2013). Care tends to shift from curing measure to relieve of pain, emotional

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American History Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American History Paper - Essay Example After years, American became an imperial power of an isolationist foreign policy while in years; the government and corruption were replaced with a reformer’s progressive government. Due to significant impacts of both policies, the achievement of social and politics of the progressive government had some reaching effects than the American empire buildings. Before 1890, America somehow uninvolved in foreign affairs, but by 1902, it became an imperial power. Through motivation of new desire for new markets, and the image of strong navy, it was only a matter of time before America played a major role on the world stage. The war with Spain was the first major imperial action. When the war ended, the United States annexed Puerto Rico and the Philippines so as to Christianize and civilize them, leading to the start of Benevolent Assimilation policy. Therefore, Cuba received its independence with some limitations that intended to ensure that the United States had a practical control of the nation. In 1901, President McKinley was assassinated while Teddy Roosevelt as a progressive reformer was given the Vice-Presidency to end his political career and thereafter made to be the president. The reformers strengthen the people through referendum, initiative, direct primary elections and the direct senator’s election. Women’s political power increased and thus gained the right to vote by 1920. Teddy Roosevelt’s deal finally protected the consumer’s needs through acts like drug act and pure food, while giving the government power over the corporations that previous led the government. Most of the progressive accomplishments have evolved further from their initial conception. The progressiveness of the domestic policies has had a huge impact on the United States Development. These policies made huge gains in rights of women, consumer protection, labor reform, conservation, fiscal reform and projects of public works. The current set of government’s framework was

Childhood Vaccinations Are they really needed Essay

Childhood Vaccinations Are they really needed - Essay Example Flanders (2000), states the two examples of child's deaths which are connected with vaccination and non-vaccination. According to her article, one of the girls died of Hepatitis B, which kills about 5,000 thousand people in the US each year and the other died after being vaccinated against polio. The main question, asked by Flanders (2000), is whether it should be obligatory to go through childhood vaccination, or should parents be able to refuse from immunization 'to avoid rare, but sometimes, serious, reactions' 'All sides of this debate have the same concerns at heart. They all want children to be healthy and protected. It's just the ways to achieve this goal that are contentious. The fact that vaccines prevent a huge number of illnesses, but have some side effects, makes for a difficult policy question, but not one that hasn't been solved in other areas.' (Allen 2002) At the same time, according to the Allen's article, 'the compensation program provides financial assistance to families to care for children injured by vaccines and helps those families who have lost a child to a severe side effect'. But it should be remembered, that the mentioned system is designed as 'non-fault', which means that it is no need in defining whether vaccine has been defective or the doctor didn't have enough medical skills to prevent side effects. In case no other specific medical reasons for child's death are found, it is supposed that the vaccine has caused it. But it should also be remembered, that ' if the injury or cause of death is not one of a list of known vaccine side effects, the families must provide proof that the ailment was caused by the vaccine'. (O'Meara, 2003) Using the MEDLINE database, it was possible to find the following data: 'There's been a huge decline, and disease rates in adults are now higher than in children," said Dr. Beth P. Bell, chief of epidemiology in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Division of Viral Hepatitis and senior author of a report that appears in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. There were 25,000 to 35,000 cases of hepatitis A per year in this country before the era of vaccination. But in 2003, about 7,600 cases were reported, and the total for 2004 will probably be around 6,000.' (http:/ Research methodology The present research is based on comparing the existing literary sources and data in terms of positive and negative effects of childhood vaccination, for finding out the objective and profound conclusion. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework of the present research should be based on the analysis of the available data in relation to positive and negative effects of the vaccinations. At the same time, the main hypothesis of the work is that health care for both groups of children (those who have received their vaccinations according to the schedule and those who didn't) will not be different. The independent variable here is presented by the presence or absence of vaccination among children, while any differences in health medical care for them

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

American History Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American History Paper - Essay Example After years, American became an imperial power of an isolationist foreign policy while in years; the government and corruption were replaced with a reformer’s progressive government. Due to significant impacts of both policies, the achievement of social and politics of the progressive government had some reaching effects than the American empire buildings. Before 1890, America somehow uninvolved in foreign affairs, but by 1902, it became an imperial power. Through motivation of new desire for new markets, and the image of strong navy, it was only a matter of time before America played a major role on the world stage. The war with Spain was the first major imperial action. When the war ended, the United States annexed Puerto Rico and the Philippines so as to Christianize and civilize them, leading to the start of Benevolent Assimilation policy. Therefore, Cuba received its independence with some limitations that intended to ensure that the United States had a practical control of the nation. In 1901, President McKinley was assassinated while Teddy Roosevelt as a progressive reformer was given the Vice-Presidency to end his political career and thereafter made to be the president. The reformers strengthen the people through referendum, initiative, direct primary elections and the direct senator’s election. Women’s political power increased and thus gained the right to vote by 1920. Teddy Roosevelt’s deal finally protected the consumer’s needs through acts like drug act and pure food, while giving the government power over the corporations that previous led the government. Most of the progressive accomplishments have evolved further from their initial conception. The progressiveness of the domestic policies has had a huge impact on the United States Development. These policies made huge gains in rights of women, consumer protection, labor reform, conservation, fiscal reform and projects of public works. The current set of government’s framework was

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assianment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assianment - Assignment Example No Man’s Land focuses our sights on the human side of the war as the men of Newfoundland Regiment reminisce the time when they saw the war as an adventure and an opportunity to seek glory for themselves and their country. They were told that the war would last only for a year and they would be coming home just in time for Christmas. They were proud volunteers then as many other soldiers were. The memories of their march past cheering crowds through the streets of St. Johns and into the transport Florizel was all fresh to them. War for them was an adventure. That view changed ever since the news of McWhirter’s death, the first Newfoundland man killed, was made known. Now, Second Lieutenant Alan Hayward, Martin and the rest of the men find themselves anxiously waiting for the moment when they would step out of the trenches and assault the enemy. They cower under the protection of their makeshift bunkers as the enemy artillery barrage pummels their position. All of them knew that at any time they could end up dead or dying. The men longed for home and were frustrated by the lack of knowledge of what lies ahead of them but in spite of these, they stand resolutely on the fire steps glancing at their pocket watches and waiting for the zero hour. In reading the book, we become enticed with how Kevin Major effectively portrayed the unnatural quiet before the storm. Major was also equally effective in portraying the camaraderie as the men on Newfoundland Regiment fight to make it through the barbed wire, deadly sweep of machine-gun bullets and grenades. In spite of their heroic efforts, the area known to be as no man’s land proved to be the graveyard for two hundred and seventy-two young men from the Newfoundland Regiment. It was the greatest casualty for any other unit in the battlefield. On that morning of July 1, 1916, the communities in Newfoundland lost many of its men who would have been their future leaders. The attempt to drive the enemy

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Role 19th century Women Essay Example for Free

The Role 19th century Women Essay Women in General Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austin, which depicts the women’s life in the early 19th century. Pride and prejudice was written by a young woman in her early twenties, in the context of her day in which women’s rights were mot valued particularly in term of their own property rights. The story revolves within the context of the three levels of status in society represented by the characters from upper classes, middle classes, and lower class status that are themselves symbols of different classes of society during the 19th century. Indeed, the typical life of the 19th century women is accurately depicted in Jane Austin’s Timeless novel, The Pride and Prejudice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     In Jane Austin’s novel, the first chapter describes the existing norms of the society regarding women’s rights. Austin portrayed that women, even in the upper classes are deprived of their property rights and the only legal remedy for them to inherent family estates is to be married. This evident in the following lines â€Å"However, little is known the feeling or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters† (Austin p. 2). These lines reflect the importance of a man to a family who had but all daughters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The struggle of the 19th century women exactly correlate to the condition of women in Austin’s novel, as they battle their way towards gaining their rights. Afsar Bano pointed out that the 19th century women â€Å"could not tolerate such state of affairs any longer. They formed movements in Europe and America to emancipate women† (Bano p. 41). Women of the 19th century were deprived of the basic rights and privileges exactly to what Austin has demonstrated in her novel almost century earlier. Although Austin portrayed women in her novel to be socially actively involved, it appears that women’s social responsibility was limited, as most of the women mentioned in the story were not engaged in any social obligations, or in any economic activities outside of their homes, though they participated in some social functions. A Woman’s responsibility was to be a good wife to her husband, and mother to children as stated in the opening lines of the story as follows â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife† (Austin p. 2).   Women’s inferiority and dependency with men and their lack of basic rights that included their family estates were evident in the story. In the 19th century however, being in this situation, women resented this condition and fought their way toward their common goals under the banner of feminism. Marriage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since they do not work and they do not have rights over their father’s possessions, evidently, marriage was the last remedy for women to avoid poverty. In Austin’s novel, adult women, view marriage as being the last opportunity to escape future poverty appeared to be consummated not for love, but for need. Austin sees the need of a single man to marry was not based in his feeling; the same was the sentiment express by Charlotte Lucas, one of the characters in the novel. She said, â€Å"I wish Jane success with all my heart; and if she were married to him tomorrow, I should think she has a good chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelve month, happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance† (Austin p. 30). In the summary and analysis featured in the internet entitled Pride and Prejudice-Study Guide, it stated the common idea of marriage during the novel was â€Å"utilitarian† in which it emphasize the need for young women to find man who have a good furtive (Pride and Prejudice Study Guide Summary of Ch. 1-6).   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This View of Marriage correlates exactly in the early 19th century. Joan Perkin cited that when the upper-class family considered the marriage of their children â€Å"more was at stake than momentary infatuation† (p. 54). Their view was that emotions came and went: land remains. Marriage was not out of love but of necessity, and this view was widely regarded in the 19th century. Personal Lives: Fashion Education – Health In Austin’s novel, personal lives were expressed by the characters in their own styles and fashions. Austin has been quite generous in her descriptions of the personal life style of the individual in the story. They like going out to party and dancing. Education for women in Austin’s novel was of little regard as none of the younger women seemed to be so educated. What has been highly regarded was the social class and those in the upper classes manipulate fashions and lifestyle as depicted by the character of lady Catherine de Bourgh.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the fashion of women in the 19th century was more on garments and dresses, education and health were just as that in the novel. Women in the 19th century were deprived of education and their role was rather in the home. The difference between the 19th century women with the women in the novel was the rise of feminism during the 19th century. In other words, women of the 19th century resisted their situation and demanded equality with men, which was in direct contrast with the passive attitude of the women in the novel. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Based on the arguments above, I would like to affirm that the life of women in the 19th century was accurately depicted in the novel of Jane Austin in terms of the categories given such as the general society, marriage, and personal lives. The views given in this paper regarding the women of the 19th century was the general situation of the time (Based on the two authors view), and can be therefore valid to be the basis of the affirmation above. That is, there must be some similarities in the general role of women in society during the two periods. Work Cited       Austin, Jane Pride and Prejudice England: Plain Label Books 1957 Bano, Afsar Status of Women in Islamic Society India: Kumar for Anmol Publication 2003. Perkins, Joan Women and Marriage in Nineteenth-century England, England: Routledge, 1989 Pride and Prejudices-Study Guide â€Å"Summary and Analysis of Volume I, Chapters 1-6†.   1999-2008.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The multiple emulsions

The multiple emulsions Introduction: Seifriz started his pioneering work about multiple emulsions since 1925, which is regarded as the fundamental knowledge in the later research. Multiple emulsions are complicated systems which are considered as emulsions of emulsions (Garti, 1996).In the outer continues phase, the droplets of the dispersed phase named as globules which contain even smaller dispersed droplets ,the globules are separated from each other in external continues phase by a layer of oil phase film. In the inner phase, the droplets are departed from each other by oil phase (Benichou et al. 2006). It is widely believed that there exist two primary types of multiple emulsions, one is water-in-oil-in-water (W1/O/W2) emulsions that an w/o emulsion is dispersed in another aqueous phase (W2) and the other is oil-in-water-in-oil (O1/W/O2) emulsions that an o/w emulsion is dispersed in another oil phase(O2). In the previous study, water-in-oil-in-water (W1/O/W2) multiple emulsions have accounted for a vital role in t he research of multiple emulsions , because the applications of W1/O/W2 multiple emulsions plays an important role in the food industry and it is also easier for us to select various of hydrophilic emulsifiers which are safe to health as stabilizers in preparation of multiple emulsions (Pays et al., 2002). As shown in Fig. 1, take water-in-oil-in-water (W1/O/W2) double emulsions as an example, which are composed of three distinct phases : an internal aqueous phase (W1), which containing many aqueous soluble ingredients. Various internal aqueous droplets are encapsulated in an oil phase (O), which is included in external aqueous phase (W2) (Garti, 1996). Applications of multiple emulsions It is widely believed that the potential applications so numerous that the research in such promising area can bring beneficial effects, especially in products areas ,such as drug-delivery systems, cosmetics, and foods . Water-in-oil-in-water (W1/O/W2) emulsions allow the encapsulation of active ingredients which have the ability to be soluble in the internal aqueous phase, thus it is possible to hide smell of some matter; remove toxic substance; or select appropriate conditions to realize controlled release of the active ingredients under certain process of emulsification. (Kanouni et al. 2002) On the basic of slow and sustained release of active ingredients from an internal reservoir into the external aqueous phase, the main function of double emulsions is regarded as an internal reservoir to entrap ingredients whatever you choose into the inner confined space, in order to protect against oxidation, light and enzymatic degradation. As a result, sensitive and active molecules can be protected from the external phase by the function of internal reservoir. In addition, because of the phenomenon of release of water or ingredients which can be observed in the experiments, the active ingredients will exist partly in the internal aqueous phase, partly in the oil phase and occasionally in the external phase(Benichou et al. 2004) .In the food industry, double emulsions provide some advantages because of their capability to encapsulate some water-soluble substances, such as flavours or active ingredients which are then slowly released from the internal compartments. Additionally, we should select food-grade additives which is soluble in the internal aqueous phase because the consumer products in food industry will be applied in our daily lives. Furthermore, as the development of needs in food quality, the production of low calorie and reduced fat products come into food market. (Muschiolik, 2007; Van der Graaf et al., 2005). In agrochemical industry, it has become incr easingly difficult for scientists to produce products, such as pesticides which are effectively and simultaneously friendly to the environment. According to ElShafei et al. (2009), the idea of multiple emulsions has been successfully applied to the agriculture products and the multiple emulsions are relatively stable even on storage at room temperature and 4 ?for 30 days. As government increasingly pay attention to the safe and environmentally friendly products, the research in this orientation has draw publics attention. Till now, no pharmaceutical multiple emulsions have been brought to the market, because potential emulsifiers used in multiple emulsions are only available in cosmetic grade but not be applied in pharmaceutical grade. (Schmidts et al., 2009 ) In cosmetic area, the possibility of combining incompatible substances in products in order to offer more favorable functions. (Vasiljevic et al., 2005) multiple emulsions also have the potential to change the commonly oily feel of hand-cream to aqueous texture. The advance of products of cosmetics has brought out more space to develop in order to get more profits. (Kanouni et al., 2002) Methods of preparation: Scientists have done some research in multiple emulsions as the applications provide us more convenience and bring better consumer products in many areas. Because double emulsions have more complex structure and are even more thermodynamically unstable than single emulsions, they prone to be difficult to prepare, especially on an industrial scale. The difficulties of preparation of multiple emulsions have draw scientists attention, so many research have been pour into this area. In general, there exist single -step and two -step emulsification methods to prepare multiple emulsions (Allouche et al., 2003). Due to a multiple emulsion is considered as a mesophase between O/W and W/O emulsion, the one-step method of preparation means a combination of the two different types of emulsions and surfactant phase, which is very difficult to control. So, such method will not be chosen in the preparation (Matsumoto, 1987; Mulley and marland, 1980). On the basic of previous study, the two-step emulsification process is considered as the most common and better controlled method. First of all, W1/O emulsions are much easier to prepare and it is also easy to control various characteristics in these emulsions as the parameters in them are relatively limited . Secondly, in the second step, it is widely believed that the complex structure and variable quantities result in relatively difficult to control or regulate. Many methods have been commonly used to improve the preparation of multiple emulsions, adding suitable emulsifiers is regarded as one of the most significant one. In general, two kinds of emulsifiers are introduced to add in the preparation of multiple emulsions as the difference of their functions. Because of the different affinity of the emulsifiers, hydrophobic emulsifier Emulsifier I which is used in the oil phase and hydrophilic emulsifier Emulsifier II which is used in the external aqueous phase (Garti, 1996). The hydrophobic emulsifier is designed to stabilize the interface of the W1/O internal emulsion and the hydrophilic emulsifier acts as stabilizer at the external interface of W1/O/W2 emulsion. The main function of emulsifiers is enhancing the stability of multiple emulsions in the preparation and even the long-time storage. The process of two-step preparation is shown in Fig.2. In the first step, the primary W/O emulsion is prepared under high-shear conditions (homogenization) to obtain small droplets, whereas the second step is carried out with less shear in order to avoid rupturing the internal droplets because the second step i s much difficult to control than the first step (van der Graaf et al., 2004). On the basic of Kanouni et al., (2002)s earlier work, in the first step, they usually use an Ultra-Turrax mixer with a relatively high speed to prepare a W1/O emulsion which is a combination of internal aqueous phase and an appropriate oil phase with suitable low HLB emulsifier; in the second step, the W1/O/W2 multiple emulsions will be produced by adding proper high HLB emulsifiers using Ultra-Turrax mixer or mechanical agitator with relatively smaller rotation speed. In the previous study, stirring apparatuses, rotor-stator systems and high pressure homogenizers are considered as the most commonly and conventional emulsification devices (Schubert and Armbruster, 1992).As shown in table 1. the functions and disadvantages has been tabulated. There are several drawbacks in such existing methods of production ( Williams et al.,1998). First of all, it is not easy for us to control the droplet size and droplet size distribution of the final multiple emulsions products. Secondly, it is difficult to scale up because different classes of the products are generated per batch on the same manufacture conditions, which contribute to one of the main factors why such products can not be applied in the industry. Moreover,van der Graaf et al. (2005) illustrate that conventional methods are not feasible in preparation of double emulsions, because high-shear stresses can result in rupture of the internal emulsions which should be avoided in the secondary emulsification (van der Graaf et al., 2005) Different kinds of emulsification devices can generate various multiple emulsions with different conditions, such as droplet size, encapsulation efficiency, release rate, and so on. What has interested the scientists most recently is researching novel approaches to improve the emulsification equipment in order to generate more stable and ideal multiple emulsions. Much attention has been put in the improvement of the second step by using various pieces of equipment and novel method. Nakashima et al. (1991) points out that membrane emulsification is widely accepted as one of the new method for the production of emulsions recently( Nakashima et al., 1991). This technique is increasingly attracted because of its low energy consumption, the better control of droplet size and droplet size distribution and especially the mildness of the process, especially suitable to be used in the second step to prevent rupture of the double emulsion droplets (van der Graaf et al., 2005). Joscelyne and Tragardh (1998) demonstrate that it is favourable to prepare small droplets when the conditions are higher concentrations of emulsifiers, high wall shear stress through a membrane with small pore size. As shown in Fig.3. because of the mild conditions in the process of membrane emulsification, it is easier to produce small size droplets and protect the multiple emulsions from membrane rupture, especially useful in the second step of emulsification. The system chosen ceramic membranes of different average pore size to prepare relative small droplets in multiple emulsions because such kinds of emulsions more stable. Membrane technology can be applied to the many productions, such as oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions t, UHT products and so on (Joscelyne and Tragardh 1998) .However, low flux of the dispersed phase is the main and visible drawback of membrane emulsification (Charcosset et al., 2004),which is caused by the properties of membranes with a low hydraulic . In general, two methods are commonly introduced in membrane emulsification: cross-flow membrane emulsification and pre-mix membrane emulsification (Suzuki et al., 1998). Take pre-mix membrane emulsification as an example, as shown in Fig.4. the most significant advantages of such method is it can provide high flux, which can improve the membrane emulsification process. Various novel methods have been reported to improve the disadvantage of membrane emulsification. (Gijsbertsen-Abrahamse et al., 2004) for example, with the advance in nano- and micro engineering, it is possible to produce membranes with a low hydraulic resistance named microsieves. (Van Rijn et al., 2005) Microsieves, inorganic membranes, which can offer a very thin selective layer, high controlled pore size and shape, and smooth surfaces. As shown in Fig.5., SEM images of pore morphology of a silicon nitride microsieve surface. Microsieve membranes contribute to flux decline in crossflow filtration of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. (Giron`es et al.,2006) According to Shnji Sugiura et al., (2003), monodispersed multiple emulsions which are good at providing relatively stable conditions are regularly applied in industries and basic studies, on the basic of easier observation, monodispersed emulsions are regarded as an effective approach in determining the resistance to coalescence of an emulsion, and in observing how the active matter go through the oil film by diffusion. (Sugiura et al., 2003) Furthermore, a microfabricated channel array has been pointed out as a promising method for preparing monodisperse emulsion droplets (Kawakatsu et al., 1997). This type of emulsification technique is called microchannel (MC) emulsification, which is regarded as a novel method for preparing monodisperse emulsions. Owning to the advantages of this technique, it is a promising technique to improve the stability of multiple emulsions. (Kawakatsu et al., 2001; Sugiura et al., 2001 ). Nakagawa et al.(2004) suggest that monodisperse surfactant-free mic rocapsules can be produced by MC emulsification using gelatin. Of course, this technique need further study to improve its low production rate. Improvements in stability of multiple emulsions In practice, significant problems may arise, not only the thermodynamic instability of emulsions, but also many destabilization phenomenon, such as flocculation, coalescence and creaming, have contribute to the unstable emulsions (Vasiljevic et al., 2005). In order to protect the emulsions from the formation of flocculation or coalescence, two methods have been introduced to protect the droplets from each other, one is increasing viscosity of the external phase, the other is energy barrier. The DLVO theory is commonly applied to explain colloidal stability. when the distance between two colloid particles is increasing from small to large, the resulting potential is rage from negative to positive because the existence of attraction potential and repulsion potential ( Friberg, 1997). Various factors may have an effect on the stability of multiple emulsions, including the method of preparation, the oil type, type and concentration of the emulsifier and so on (Vasiljevic et ,al. 2005). On the basic of fundamentally experimental data, we choose the relatively suitable and effective conditions to prepare multiple emulsions. Many research have been put into how to improve the stability of multiple emulsions because thermodynamically unstable multiple emulsions not only exist in the process of preparation ,but also occur during storage or on exposure to environmental stresses such as mechanical forces, thermal processing, freezing or dehydration. On the basic of developed techniques, we can observe or measure the leakage of the inner aqueous phase(W1) in the outer phase and destabilization properties of the emulsions. There are four mechanisms explaining the instability of W1/O/W2 multiple emulsions: (1) the instability comes from the inner aqueous droplets because of coalescence; (2) the instability comes from the oil droplets because of coalescence; (3) rupture of the oil film (4) transport of water and ingredients through the oil layer (Appelqvist et al., 2007,; Florence and Whithill,1981; der Graaf et al., 2005). In the real conditions, there may exist more than one mechanism in the multiple emulsions, different results to different situations. The determining of primary mechanisms exist in certain multiple emulsions should dependent on the experimental data and convincing analysis. What should we do is research more reasonable methods to solve the problem of thermodynamically unstablity in multiple emulsions. Three kinds of approach aiming at improving stabilization and slow solute release have been list as follows (Davis et al., 1985) : (1) stabilization of the inner W1/O emulsion, for example, the addition of various emulsifier combinations (Apenten and Zhu, 1996; Shima et al., 2004; Su et al., 2006); (2) stabilization of oil phase by choosing suitable oil type and the addition of proper carriers, complexants and viscosity builders, for instance, the solidification of the oil phase and the modification of the solubility and polarity of the oil phase to make it less water soluble (Tedajo et al., 2001); (3) stabilization of the external aqueous phase, such as increasing the viscosity of the outer aqueous phase (-zer, et al., 2000). Although many strategies have been categorized above, a majority of them are not suitable to apply in food industry because they are not easily scaled up in industry or they include not food- grade ingredients entrapped in multiple emulsions, which may make a bad influence on human health. So, there exists numerous space for us to research in the methods of improving the stability of multiple emulsions. (ORegan and Mulvihill, 2009) In general, many factors contribute to the improvement of stability of multiple emulsions as some research have deeply determined the main causes of thermal unstable phenomenon and flocculation, coalescence and creaming phenomenon. The nature and internal properties of surfactants or emulsifiers play a vital role in solving problem. Stability of multiple (Opawale, et al., 1998) emulsions has been shown to be dependent on emulsifier interfacial film strength, ionic strength, various additives, and concentration. According to Vasiljevic et al. (2005), when the concentration of emulsifier in oil phase is higher, the multiple emulsions will have lower droplet size, higher viscosity and elastic characteristics. Moreover, changing the concentration of surfactants, results in the difference of the amount of retinol released from silica particles. In addition, different polymers which are added into the aqueous phase, the encapsulation efficiency of retinol was also changed (Hwang et al., 2005). The process of multiple emulsion formation and various destabilization processes can be determined by video microscopy (Ficheux et al., 1998). A unique dimpled structure is a signal to show the deformation of the multiple droplets and coalescence of the internal dispersed phase by coverslip pressure. If the multiple emulsions po ssess relatively high stability, then such structure come out for long-time observed in the presence of adequate concentrations of surfactants and additives. So, Formation of the dimple structure is linked with interfacial film strength and long-term multiple emulsion stability (Jiao et al., 2002). The long-term stability of the double emulsion requires a balance between the Laplace and osmotic pressures among droplets in W1, because a stable W1/O emulsion is a fundamental and significant step in order to prepare a stable W1/O/W2 double emulsion. Garti (1996) illustrate the concept of weighted hydrophile-lipophile balance (HLB) is important because the value is linked with the droplet size, the number of W1 dispersed in inner phase and the stability of the W/O/W multiple emulsions. Such properties are so significant in preparing relatively stable multiple emulsions that the weighted HLB value is considered as a potential reference to select the optimal type of emulsifiers in forming multiple emulsions. In the first step of preparation, HLB(I) stands for the HLB value of the hydrophobic emulsifier, CI means the weight percentage of the hydrophobic emulsifier in the fundamental W1/O emulsion, In the second step of preparation, HLB(II) stands for the HLB value of the hydrophilic emulsifier, and CII means the weight percentage of the hydrophilic emulsifier in the W1/O/W2 multiple emulsion It was observed that using a combination of an amphoteric high HLB surfactant and an anionic surfactant can prepare a stable system(Kanouni et al., 2002). The inner phase is demonstrated to be better stabilized by minimizing the size of droplets and forming microemulsion droplets or microsphere particles, or applying more potential surfactants in order to seal the active ingredients in the interface (ORegan and Mulvihill, 2009). Choosing of optimal surfactants has made a positive effect on controlling particle size in multiple emulsions. Sepideh Khoee and Morteza Yaghoobian (2008) propose that the mean diameters of nanocapsules containing penicillin-G are linked with the properties of surfactants. that is to say, the different types or content of surfactant used in formation of multiple emulsions can result in different droplets size. N. Heldt et al. (2000) point put that changing the ratio of lecithin/SXS make an effect on the average size of the corresponding vesicles in the oil-wa ter emulsion. In addition, egg lecithin considered as hydrophobic substance, sodium xylenesulfonate (SXS) acts as the hydrophilic matter. As the ratio goes up, the average vesicle size increases correspondingly. Stability can be improved by offering suitable stabilizer because the surfactants act as film former and barrier to the release at internal interface(Khoee and Yaghoobian, 2008). Two charged biopolymers, whey protein isolate (WPI) and enzymatic modified pectins, interacted in aqueous solution to form a charge-charge complex which acts as a hydrophilic polymeric steric stabilizer improving the multiple emulsion stability .Regulating the conditions to get the result of most relatively stable condition. For example, as pH can determin the size of the complex ,when pH =6, the most stable double emulsion are gained because of the smallest droplet size, the lowest creaming, highest yield, and minimized water transport(Lutz et al., 2009). Henry et al. (2009) have studied six emulsifiers in their experiments, it is shown that as the amount of emulsifier increased, the phenomenon of coalescence occurs go down. Furthermore, droplet size is dependent on both break-up and re-coalescence events in emulsification, for example, when the surfactant concentration is lower, the droplet size is prone to a result of multiple break-up events. It is shown in the results of experiments that the frequency of droplet coalescence is decreased to a minimum as the process of preparation is under an optimal surfactant concentration, which balances the formation of the smaller possible droplets and relatively stable in preparation and long time storage. On the basic of experimental results which is analyzed by equilibrium phase diagram as well as observed through polarization microscopy, Yihan Liu et al. (2009) have got the conclusion that certain type of multiple emulsions which a liquid crystal can be formed by the surfactant with water are more stable compared to counterparts with no liquid crystals exist in the surfactant but prepared in the same condition(Liu and Friberg, 2009). Garti and Aserin (1996) propose that macromolecules together with monomeric surfactants can be served as steric stabilizers to improve the stability of multiple emulsions. The synthetic polymeric surfactants are ideal interfacial barrier to improve thermodynamic stability and entrapment, which is very helpful in reducing release rate of entrapped additives,and preparing smaller double emulsions with long-time stability. Take WPI-polysaccharide conjugates as an example, compared with monomeric surfactants used only, the application of polymeric emulsifiers results in better encapsulation and controlled release of addenda (Benichou et al., 2006). Transport mechanism in multiple emulsions Various kinds of possible mechanisms have been illustrated to interpret how the substances transport through the oil phase. Oil soluble substances just transport through the oil phase by diffusion which is served as controlled mechanism. Many factors contribute to the transport rate, such as the properties of oil phase, the nature of ingredients, and the conditions of aqueous phase (Chang et al., 1987) .In the previous study, it is found that water and water soluble substance can easily migrate through the oil phase. Kita et al. (1977) demonstrate that two possible mechanism can be applied to interpret the phenomenon of transportation: (1) reverse micelle transport; (2) diffusion across a very thin lamella. Cheng et al. (2006) demonstrate that both Cl- and Ag+ can transport through a thick oil film through observing and measuring the formation of AgCl precipitate in the W1/O/W2 multiple emulsion. Ions can not transport through the oil film which is very thin (

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Planet Of The Apes Satire Essay -- essays research papers

The setting of the movie compared to the setting in the book makes Planet of the Apes one of the greatest satires. In the movie, the setting takes place on earth in the future where apes deny and are afraid of the past, whereas the setting in the book is on a different planet where apes are civilized and technologically advanced, and the humans were primitive creatures. The orangutans in the movie prevent what happened to the humans from happening to the apes. Orangutans, such as Zaius went to great work as destroying the cave where the evidence of the humans reigned is revealed and removing Landen’s memory. In the book civilization of humans on Earth is equal to and may even surpass the civilization of the apes on Sorror. The point of view in the book is through Ulysees’ mind. He is clam and patient. Taylor in the movie is an impatient angry man who is never satisfied and is outraged by the fact that apes are running the planet and have locked him up. In the movie Tayl or is a misanthrope who is hot-tempered and not respectful to the apes. He calls them "Bloody Baboons!" Taylor left Earth to find a better place and ended up where he started. In the book, Ulysee is kind and respectful towards the apes, and he was granted citizenship to their civilization and begins to assign apes human features. Ulysee was granted citizenship because of the speech he made before them. He gave that speech with respect and loyalty towards the apes for acceptance. The tones in the boo... Planet Of The Apes Satire Essay -- essays research papers The setting of the movie compared to the setting in the book makes Planet of the Apes one of the greatest satires. In the movie, the setting takes place on earth in the future where apes deny and are afraid of the past, whereas the setting in the book is on a different planet where apes are civilized and technologically advanced, and the humans were primitive creatures. The orangutans in the movie prevent what happened to the humans from happening to the apes. Orangutans, such as Zaius went to great work as destroying the cave where the evidence of the humans reigned is revealed and removing Landen’s memory. In the book civilization of humans on Earth is equal to and may even surpass the civilization of the apes on Sorror. The point of view in the book is through Ulysees’ mind. He is clam and patient. Taylor in the movie is an impatient angry man who is never satisfied and is outraged by the fact that apes are running the planet and have locked him up. In the movie Tayl or is a misanthrope who is hot-tempered and not respectful to the apes. He calls them "Bloody Baboons!" Taylor left Earth to find a better place and ended up where he started. In the book, Ulysee is kind and respectful towards the apes, and he was granted citizenship to their civilization and begins to assign apes human features. Ulysee was granted citizenship because of the speech he made before them. He gave that speech with respect and loyalty towards the apes for acceptance. The tones in the boo...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Benefits of having consistency throughout organisation Essay

There are many benefits of having consistency throughout any organisation, whether it is in the workplace or in customer interactions. Meeting demands consistently requires the attention of top leadership and it is becoming an increasingly important factor in various industries (Pulido, Stone and Strevel, 2014). This brief will highlight the advantages of having consistency throughout ‘Prestige Worldwide’ and how we can adopt it. Consistency is the key to making customers happy, which is the aim of this organisation. In order to provide maximum customer satisfaction, the customers must have a consistent ‘customer journey’, i.e. the cumulative experience of interactions that a customer has with a company (Pulido et al, 2014). Research by McKinsey & Company (2014) suggested that evaluating the customer journey is 30% more predictive of overall customer satisfaction than individual touch points, which makes increasing customer satisfaction easier to do. Even more importantly, Hallowell (1996) found that improved satisfaction leads to increased customer loyalty. Loyal customers are likely to retain our service and recommend our service to others, thus increasing our customer base and generating more business. McKinsey & Company found that consistency improves customer satisfaction by 20%, lifts revenue by 15%, and lowers the cost of serving customers by 20%. There is also a correlation between overall customer satisfaction and journey experience consistency, as shown in the graph to the right (Pulido et al, 2014). Research has highlighted many advantages and no notable disadvantages; hence this issue is something Prestige Worldwide should consider as part of its management strategy. McKinsey & Company lists three aspects that must be consistent which we should target; 1. Customer journey consistency: Customers interact with different branches of our organisation throughout their customer journey, and it is important for their interactions to be consistently exceptional. This is harder to maintain in a large corporation, but because we are relatively small it will be easy to adopt. 2. Emotional consistency: Customer satisfaction and loyalty are heavily influenced by emotions encompassed in a feeling of trust (Beard, 2014), meaning that consistency is important to forge a relationship of trust with customers, which is important for long term growth. We must strive to be a company that customers comfortable with and trust. 3. Communication consistency: It is important to make and meet promises, and equally important to highlight the delivery of these promises. Our marketing communications should focus on the delivery of promises, because that will influence customer perception and enable us to generate a reservoir of goodwill and first-rate reputation. Slogans are commonly based on customer satisfaction, with an example being â€Å"Satisfaction guaranteed† by Wal-Mart, and Prestige Worldwide should follow this process (Henard, Szymanski, 2001). Concluding the consistency for Prestige Worldwide, it is recommended that we implement it into our business. A suitable plan of action would be to adopt a journey-based approach with customer interactions by making their transitions between departments more seamless while tracking progress, fix areas where negative experiences are common due to them having 4-5 times more impact than a positive experience, and to do it now (Morris, 2014; Pulido et al, 2014). In order to build intense customer loyalty and reap its benefits, we must be consistent; otherwise our customers may lose confidence in our service. References Beard, R. (2014). Is consistency the secret ingredient to customer satisfaction?. Retrieved from Hallowell, R. (1996). The relationships of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability: an empirical study. International journal of service industry management, 7 (4), p. 27-42. Hyken, S (2013). Amaze every customer every time: 52 tools for delivering the most amazing customer service on the planet. Np.: Greenlead Book Group Press. Morris, T. (2014). 3 Tips for Creating a More Consistent Customer Journey | Parature. Retrieved from Pulido, A., Strevel, J. and Stone, D. (2014). The three Cs of customer satisfaction: Consistency, consistency, consistency. McKinsey & Company, March. Redbubble. (2014). Prestige Worldwide logo.[Image] Retrieved March 24,2014, from,375Ãâ€"360.u1.png Pulido, A. and Strevel, J. and Stone, D. (2014). Customer satisfaction survey: Who’s up and who’s down. [Image] Retrieved March 24, 2014 from Szymanski, D. M. and Henard, D. H. (2001). Customer satisfaction: a meta-analysis of the empirical evidence. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 29 (1), pp. 16-35.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

California Pizza Kitchen

CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN TUI University Instructor: MGT599 Module 1 Case Study The purpose of this report is to identify and give feedback on the company’s current mission and vision statements as well as its values and goals as stated (or not) by the founders and management. The need to have a clear vision and a real mission statement is fundamental and vital for all businesses. The values that make the company what it is and the end state or goals that it wishes to achieve are equally important. In looking at these factors I will identify the following where possible: What is California Pizza Kitchen’s vision statement and is it relevant? What is CPK’s mission statement and is it effective? What are the values and short and long term goals and what is the company doing to clarify and refine them on a continuous basis? Hildy Gottleib of the Community-Driven Institute has an excellent way of differentiating and explaining what vision and mission statements are. She says the simplest way of doing it is using three little letters and they are â€Å"ARY. Used in this way, Vision and Mission look quite different and are much easier to understand. (Gottleib) She goes on to say that written in this way it is easy to understand that when someone is a visionary they are able to see what it is they want to do and as a missionary they are able to execute their vision. She used the analogy of Jesus. He was the visionary and his disciples were the missionaries. (Gottleib) A good majority of organizations have websites like CPK’s. On these websites most companies will give their mission statement if you will. This statement is important for many reasons. It is stated so that potential clients and or investors can learn what the company is about when it comes to business. This is what helps draw people to the business. When people have a clear understanding as to what a company does or wishes to do in regards to customer service, it causes them to take stock of the company and determine if the company is a right for their consumer needs. My research of the company shows that the company has no mission statement as of publication of this report. The closest mission statement (if one were to call it that) that I could potentially identify was â€Å"CPK’s strong brand awareness has been developed primarily through full service restaurants and through the expansion of our high quality fast-casual, CPK/ASAP concept†. (Smith) I believe another way of saying this is that it is California Pizza Kitchen’s mission to be a â€Å"leader in authentic California-style cuisine† (all the while) being widely known for diverse and innovative menu items. This is no clear mission statement as given by the company but rather this person’s interpretation. If you read their website you will not find much of anything except their personal story. Although this is nice, it tells neither the customer nor the potential investor anything as to what the company is striving towards in clear language. It does nothing to spark or draw interest to the company. California Pizza Kitchen has no clear or discernable mission statement and their vision statement is just as absent. On their company website is stated the founders intent but not their vision â€Å"Having always wanted to get into the restaurant business; they traded in their legal pads to serve hearth-baked pizzas. (California Pizza kithen) Their unspoken business vision was to create pizzas that were an interpretation or a culmination of food with an international flair on a global level. Their pizzas include such creations as a Jamaican Jerk, Thai, and shrimp pizza. This flair has served the company well. Although the company has gone through a rough patch while under the ownership of PepsiCo which nearly ran the business aground due to what some may say was an overly aggressive business model , the company is now back on track with the original founders put back in control of the company. This has allowed CPK to right itself and grow at a more realistic pace. The founders have been allowed to lead the company as they intended at the start and the brand name is flourishing. It is because of this vision that the company is again succeeding. So, it is fair to say that the company has a vision but that vision is shallow and has no clear long term ambition other than serving specialty pizza. I have made numerous inquiries both by email and phone calls to the main office and other places within the company to clearly state their values and goals. I finally received a reply from a Mr. Locksley who is a member of their marketing and relations department. My request to him was simple; tell me what you understand the company’s values and goals to be. He simply regurgitated in an email his company’s web page statement. This is not good. Either he is unable to clearly communicate the company’s values statement as well as their goals or, there are none. It is my findings that the company has no values or goals statements. The company is simply operating on a loose configuration of statements given on a webpage or in an employee handbook. The company touts respect, opportunity, communication, and kindness (R. O. C. K) for all just like all other companies but, there is nothing that I could locate in my search for the employees to get behind other than that. (California Pizza kithen) The company has not given its employees a set of values that all can get on the same page with or real sustenance and purpose. There is an employee handbook but it is more like a generic/vanilla document that covers employee benefits, requirements for uniform standards, and other HR issues. No wonder the employees have no clue. You can’t enforce company standards or values if you don’t ensure that all have access to them in order to read and comply. This is totally unsatisfactory. Goals, the company has no clear or identifiable set of goals in its current state. While under PepsiCo the company had a goal to grow at a stated pace over so many years, while under the current leadership they are focused solely on repairing the damage to the brand name caused by PepsiCo. This could be a goal of sorts but it does or says nothing to the effect of what the company’s future overall end state is. The company must look at its current situation and develop a set of goals that will enable it to better move forward and grow. Although the company will either continue to survive or eventually wither and fail, a good set of goals will enable everyone to work smarter and more effectively toward success. This aspect is of great importance to company shareholders in that it affects their profits. If the company can’t define a clear goal for the company in regards to profits then the stakeholders in the company suffer and will eventually sell out. Stakeholders want to make money as in any organization and if they don’t, they will revolt on management until it responds. Some things that I would recommend to the company in general are: 1. work aggressively to develop a short and long term vision for your company. 2. After you have your vision identified, develop a team of individuals to recognize your mission and then implement it by sending company leadership out to the employees to articulate it. Once everyone knows what it is the company wants it can begin to implement that vision by working to achieve it. . Take a consensus from across the entire work force in what it deems is or is appropriate values that you want the company to follow. This can be done by online employee surveys or management at each store location polling workers on site. You can gather results either way and decide on those values that are important to all workers at every level and exemplify the very best traits and characteristics of your busine ss. This will allow workers to feel good about where they work and give customers a more positive attitude about the business they are frequenting. . Develop a goal for your business. You can have a goal for employees in regards to customer service and one for the future growth and development of CPK franchises. Both will reap huge rewards for you business. I recommend that you place your vision, mission, values, and goals in high visibility locations throughout the organization. This allows everyone to read and understand what it is they are working towards. Place them in the company board room so that the CEO and board of directors can see it every time they meet. Use them as a gauge to see if the senior leaders are using them to make decisions which support your various statements. If their not then either replace them or hold them accountable for their failures by withholding bonuses or other perks. In conclusion, the company has no set vision, mission, or values statements. There are no clear and defined goals for the organization. The company must do the following in order to begin the process of changing: 1. Develop a vision statement in order to allow everyone to understand what it is the company wants or intends to do. 2. Develop a mission statement that supports that vision. Then, with the vision, begin to work aggressively to realize that vision. 3. Access your company as a whole and determine those values that will support your vision and mission from those that are within your employee base. Tweak and revise constantly in order to ensure that your company reflects the very best and important aspects of your employee base and that they genuinely feel like a part of the team effort. Your employees are your business and the most important part at that. Without them you are out of business. Hold management (CEO, Board of Directors) accountable in ensuring that they make decisions based off of various established statements. 4. Lastly, strongly impart to everyone what the overall goal(s) are for the organization and give them the tools and support to achieve it/them. The company must ensure that it effectively incorporates and uses the first three legs of the support (vision, mission, values) to realize the final result or goal. A goal is nothing without the latter three. With these recommendations you will find that the organization will function and flow far more efficiently than before. It will take determination and real effort on the part of California Pizza Kitchen to achieve the recommendations as laid out in this Summary. I thank you for your attention to this assessment summary. Works Cited California Pizza kithen. California Pizza Kitchen. November 2010. 30 November 2010 . Gottleib, Hildy. 3 Statements That Can Change the World: Mission/Vision/Values. 2007. Creating the Future. 28 November 2010 . Smith, Richard M. Rolling In Dough. 25th June 2007. Harmon Newsweek LLC. 30 November 2010 . California Pizza Kitchen CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN TUI University Instructor: MGT599 Module 1 Case Study The purpose of this report is to identify and give feedback on the company’s current mission and vision statements as well as its values and goals as stated (or not) by the founders and management. The need to have a clear vision and a real mission statement is fundamental and vital for all businesses. The values that make the company what it is and the end state or goals that it wishes to achieve are equally important. In looking at these factors I will identify the following where possible: What is California Pizza Kitchen’s vision statement and is it relevant? What is CPK’s mission statement and is it effective? What are the values and short and long term goals and what is the company doing to clarify and refine them on a continuous basis? Hildy Gottleib of the Community-Driven Institute has an excellent way of differentiating and explaining what vision and mission statements are. She says the simplest way of doing it is using three little letters and they are â€Å"ARY. Used in this way, Vision and Mission look quite different and are much easier to understand. (Gottleib) She goes on to say that written in this way it is easy to understand that when someone is a visionary they are able to see what it is they want to do and as a missionary they are able to execute their vision. She used the analogy of Jesus. He was the visionary and his disciples were the missionaries. (Gottleib) A good majority of organizations have websites like CPK’s. On these websites most companies will give their mission statement if you will. This statement is important for many reasons. It is stated so that potential clients and or investors can learn what the company is about when it comes to business. This is what helps draw people to the business. When people have a clear understanding as to what a company does or wishes to do in regards to customer service, it causes them to take stock of the company and determine if the company is a right for their consumer needs. My research of the company shows that the company has no mission statement as of publication of this report. The closest mission statement (if one were to call it that) that I could potentially identify was â€Å"CPK’s strong brand awareness has been developed primarily through full service restaurants and through the expansion of our high quality fast-casual, CPK/ASAP concept†. (Smith) I believe another way of saying this is that it is California Pizza Kitchen’s mission to be a â€Å"leader in authentic California-style cuisine† (all the while) being widely known for diverse and innovative menu items. This is no clear mission statement as given by the company but rather this person’s interpretation. If you read their website you will not find much of anything except their personal story. Although this is nice, it tells neither the customer nor the potential investor anything as to what the company is striving towards in clear language. It does nothing to spark or draw interest to the company. California Pizza Kitchen has no clear or discernable mission statement and their vision statement is just as absent. On their company website is stated the founders intent but not their vision â€Å"Having always wanted to get into the restaurant business; they traded in their legal pads to serve hearth-baked pizzas. (California Pizza kithen) Their unspoken business vision was to create pizzas that were an interpretation or a culmination of food with an international flair on a global level. Their pizzas include such creations as a Jamaican Jerk, Thai, and shrimp pizza. This flair has served the company well. Although the company has gone through a rough patch while under the ownership of PepsiCo which nearly ran the business aground due to what some may say was an overly aggressive business model , the company is now back on track with the original founders put back in control of the company. This has allowed CPK to right itself and grow at a more realistic pace. The founders have been allowed to lead the company as they intended at the start and the brand name is flourishing. It is because of this vision that the company is again succeeding. So, it is fair to say that the company has a vision but that vision is shallow and has no clear long term ambition other than serving specialty pizza. I have made numerous inquiries both by email and phone calls to the main office and other places within the company to clearly state their values and goals. I finally received a reply from a Mr. Locksley who is a member of their marketing and relations department. My request to him was simple; tell me what you understand the company’s values and goals to be. He simply regurgitated in an email his company’s web page statement. This is not good. Either he is unable to clearly communicate the company’s values statement as well as their goals or, there are none. It is my findings that the company has no values or goals statements. The company is simply operating on a loose configuration of statements given on a webpage or in an employee handbook. The company touts respect, opportunity, communication, and kindness (R. O. C. K) for all just like all other companies but, there is nothing that I could locate in my search for the employees to get behind other than that. (California Pizza kithen) The company has not given its employees a set of values that all can get on the same page with or real sustenance and purpose. There is an employee handbook but it is more like a generic/vanilla document that covers employee benefits, requirements for uniform standards, and other HR issues. No wonder the employees have no clue. You can’t enforce company standards or values if you don’t ensure that all have access to them in order to read and comply. This is totally unsatisfactory. Goals, the company has no clear or identifiable set of goals in its current state. While under PepsiCo the company had a goal to grow at a stated pace over so many years, while under the current leadership they are focused solely on repairing the damage to the brand name caused by PepsiCo. This could be a goal of sorts but it does or says nothing to the effect of what the company’s future overall end state is. The company must look at its current situation and develop a set of goals that will enable it to better move forward and grow. Although the company will either continue to survive or eventually wither and fail, a good set of goals will enable everyone to work smarter and more effectively toward success. This aspect is of great importance to company shareholders in that it affects their profits. If the company can’t define a clear goal for the company in regards to profits then the stakeholders in the company suffer and will eventually sell out. Stakeholders want to make money as in any organization and if they don’t, they will revolt on management until it responds. Some things that I would recommend to the company in general are: 1. work aggressively to develop a short and long term vision for your company. 2. After you have your vision identified, develop a team of individuals to recognize your mission and then implement it by sending company leadership out to the employees to articulate it. Once everyone knows what it is the company wants it can begin to implement that vision by working to achieve it. . Take a consensus from across the entire work force in what it deems is or is appropriate values that you want the company to follow. This can be done by online employee surveys or management at each store location polling workers on site. You can gather results either way and decide on those values that are important to all workers at every level and exemplify the very best traits and characteristics of your busine ss. This will allow workers to feel good about where they work and give customers a more positive attitude about the business they are frequenting. . Develop a goal for your business. You can have a goal for employees in regards to customer service and one for the future growth and development of CPK franchises. Both will reap huge rewards for you business. I recommend that you place your vision, mission, values, and goals in high visibility locations throughout the organization. This allows everyone to read and understand what it is they are working towards. Place them in the company board room so that the CEO and board of directors can see it every time they meet. Use them as a gauge to see if the senior leaders are using them to make decisions which support your various statements. If their not then either replace them or hold them accountable for their failures by withholding bonuses or other perks. In conclusion, the company has no set vision, mission, or values statements. There are no clear and defined goals for the organization. The company must do the following in order to begin the process of changing: 1. Develop a vision statement in order to allow everyone to understand what it is the company wants or intends to do. 2. Develop a mission statement that supports that vision. Then, with the vision, begin to work aggressively to realize that vision. 3. Access your company as a whole and determine those values that will support your vision and mission from those that are within your employee base. Tweak and revise constantly in order to ensure that your company reflects the very best and important aspects of your employee base and that they genuinely feel like a part of the team effort. Your employees are your business and the most important part at that. Without them you are out of business. Hold management (CEO, Board of Directors) accountable in ensuring that they make decisions based off of various established statements. 4. Lastly, strongly impart to everyone what the overall goal(s) are for the organization and give them the tools and support to achieve it/them. The company must ensure that it effectively incorporates and uses the first three legs of the support (vision, mission, values) to realize the final result or goal. A goal is nothing without the latter three. With these recommendations you will find that the organization will function and flow far more efficiently than before. It will take determination and real effort on the part of California Pizza Kitchen to achieve the recommendations as laid out in this Summary. I thank you for your attention to this assessment summary. Works Cited California Pizza kithen. California Pizza Kitchen. November 2010. 30 November 2010 . Gottleib, Hildy. 3 Statements That Can Change the World: Mission/Vision/Values. 2007. Creating the Future. 28 November 2010 . Smith, Richard M. Rolling In Dough. 25th June 2007. Harmon Newsweek LLC. 30 November 2010 .